Tuesday, February 28, 2006

God's Promise

For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13
Ok, so I am not always one who pulls something out of my readings, or at least has something that strikes me so deeply. But, I have to admit that this like in Isaiah was kinda like an "Eureka!" for me. There are so many things in this life that I struggle with. Lately it has been with the motivation for school and temptation. Much of the time it feels like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall and not getting anywhere in the battle that I am engaged in. The thing is, that much of the battle has been about me going solo, that I can conquer my struggles by myself. How flawed is that? Perhaps this is why the verse in Isaiah hit me so strongly, God will help me, God will take me by the hand and lead me through all of the struggles that I have. I think that it's high time that I stop being so independent of God and allow for a little more guidancee. I'm definately finding that I can't beat the struggles that I have by myself. Somewhat of a obvious statement, but I think sometimes that we need to be reminded of the obvious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks man, same goes for me.I will remember this verse. God Bless You.