Saturday, November 12, 2005

What a weekend!

So this weekend has definately been refreshing. Primarily in the spiritual end of things, not so much in the sleep department. But at the end of the day, it's the spiritual that really matters. God has been doing some awesome things, and has been giving me a lot if insight into the man that I am supposed to be. Exciting really. Like the title of this blog states, bold life/bold love, and I feel that God is starting to impart this reality onto my life. Why shouldn't I be bold? I've got the ultimate love with me at all times!

Thinking about love, I feel as if this divide between Carleigh and I is kind of like climbing a mountain. And, although I absolutely hate the climb up, I know that the summit is going to be spectacular and make the pain of climbing up this hill all worthwhile. Praise God for this epiphany (apparently "revelation" is a hot Christian word, so in an attempt to be original epiphany is the word of the day).

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